
What are the influencing factors of shaped copper bar?

Compared with other metals, copper has good corrosion resistance. However, copper still changes chemically in high temperature, humidity, acid mist and other environments, resulting in surface discoloration. In the process of production and storage, copper bars may also be exposed to these environments to varying degrees, which will affect their surface quality.


Classification of shaped copper bar?

The special-shaped copper bar is mainly formed by continuous extrusion of copper ingots through horizontal extrusion machine and other equipment, and then drawing by drawing machine. According to different materials, it can be divided into red copper shaped copper bar, brass shaped copper bar, silver copper shaped copper bar and so on.


Internet "to help China's copper processing industry transformation and upgrading

"Internet industry" can shorten the production cycle, reduce the use of raw materials, reduce factory costs, improve production efficiency, and speed up the optimal allocation of production resources; it can also respond quickly to market demand and deeply explore subdivision demand; and with the help of mobile Internet technology, realize the two-way circulation of data, realize product personalization, manufacturing service, and drive technology research and development with market data, thus forming a bottom-up production orientation.


China's copper consumption improvement from copper processing materials

After the LME London annual meeting, "China's demand exceeded expectations" and "the global mine production peak has passed" two major views began to spread in the market. Next, the author will focus on copper processing materials, trying to sort out the entire downstream consumption structure of copper, and verify the view that China's copper demand is picking up.


China has the basic conditions to build a world copper industry power

The non-ferrous metal industry is one of the important basic industries of the manufacturing industry and an important support for the realization of a manufacturing power. Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Nonferrous Metals Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") and the "Guiding Opinions on Creating a Good Market Environment to Promote the Structural Adjustment of Nonferrous Metals Industry to Promote Transformation and Increase Benefits" issued by the General Office of the State Council in June 2016 (Guo Ban Fa [2016] No. 42, hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"), it will become a programmatic document to guide the development of non-ferrous metals industry during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The "Plan" puts forward that "during the '13th Five-Year Plan' period, the structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading of the non-ferrous metal industry has made significant progress, and the quality and efficiency have been greatly improved. By the end of the '13th Five-Year Plan', my country's non-ferrous metal industry has entered the ranks of manufacturing powers." The main objectives are encouraging and expectant. The copper industry, which plays a pivotal role in the non-ferrous metal industry, how to implement the "Plan" and "Guiding Opinions" will directly affect the realization of the main goals of the "Plan.


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