Application of copper bar


Features: It has the advantages of high cleanliness, super bright, uniform and dense organization, high dimensional accuracy, and good formability.

Features: It has the advantages of high cleanliness, super bright, uniform and dense organization, high dimensional accuracy, and good formability.

The company's current production of copper roughly divided into two categories,

Class I: red copper tube, red copper plate, red copper rod, red copper row, red copper wire, red copper wire (TP2 T2 TU1 );

Class II: brass tube, brass plate, brass rod, brass with brass wire (H62 H63 H65 H68 H70).

Copper: copper content has reached more than 99.90, with the good characteristics of copper metal, a high-quality basic metal, widely used in industrial and civil fields, plays an important role. TP2 is phosphorus deoxidized copper, containing 0.015-0.04% phosphorus component, which reflects good welding performance and cold bending performance, in the air conditioning refrigeration connecting pipe, stove gas connecting pipe, water pipe, electric heating tube and other manufacturing fields are widely used. T2 is pure copper, copper content is higher than 99.90%. TU1 is oxygen-free copper, copper content 99.97%, oxygen and impurity content is very low, high purity, conductive. Excellent thermal conductivity, good ductility, processability and welding. Corrosion resistance. Cold resistance is good. Because of its high production requirements and high cost, its product price is much higher than other categories of copper tube. Brass: copper-zinc alloy pipe, the number after the letter H in the grade often represents the middle value of its copper content, and the zinc content is the rest. Different brands of brass tubes, with higher and higher copper content, overall show better quality and extension performance, and have higher strength than copper tubes. Because of its better economy, it has become an alternative material for copper pipes and is widely used.


China's copper industry: taking advantage of the situation to make a new chapter.

Thanks to the long-term sustained growth of China's economy, since January 2003, the world's aluminum, copper, lead, zinc, nickel and other non-ferrous metal prices have risen, the market demand is strong, buyers and sellers win-win, during which, although there are twists and turns, but the overall upward trend has been maintained, bringing opportunities for the development of China's copper, lead and zinc industry. China Copper Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Copper") was established on August 25, 2008 under such favorable circumstances, becoming a young "dark horse" in China's copper, lead and zinc industry ". From the copper division of Chinalco Group to the copper-lead-zinc industry eclectic strategic unit, the growth process is difficult and tortuous is not a day's work. After 13 years of recuperation and hard work, China's copper industry has matured and grown, ready to go, and initially has the power to run thousands of miles and gallop.


China Copper Industry Held Economic Activity Analysis Meeting in March

On March 10, China Copper held a March economic activity analysis meeting to analyze and summarize the completion of production and operation in February and the existing problems, and deploy the production and operation work in March.


Application of copper bar

Features: It has the advantages of high cleanliness, super bright, uniform and dense organization, high dimensional accuracy, and good formability.


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